Dysgraphia Testing
Dysgraphia refers to difficulty with writing. These challenges can impact one’s ability to learn to spell, the fluency or speed of writing and the ability to express one’s self in writing. They do not reflect intelligence or motivation, but represent an underlying neurological issue. Researchers have suggested that difficulty with orthographic coding (storing written words in working memory) and planning sequential finger movements are possible underlying factors related to dysgraphia.
CNLD Testing & Therapy offers dysgraphia testing, as well as dyslexia testing, dyscalculia testing and other learning disabilities assessments.
- Dyscalculia Testing, Dyslexia Testing and Dysgraphia Testing
- Learning Disabilities Assessments
- Nonverbal Learning Disorders Testing
- Anxiety Testing
- ADHD Testing and ADD Testing
- Giftedness and Twice Exceptional Testing
- Neurological Disorders Testing
- And Other Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing Services
The first step in the process is a consultation with our intake coordinator. We will evaluate the symptoms and struggles you’ve been facing to determine which psychological evaluation or neuropsychological assessment is right for you/your child. Call (734) 994-9466 to get started.
What Are the Symptoms of Dysgraphia?
Does someone with dysgraphia only have issues with writing or could other factors play in as well? As it turns out, those with writing difficulties also may struggle with the things like:
- Find Motor Skills Impacting Motor Memory, Muscle Coordination and Writing
- Attention Issues
- Reading Difficulties
- Anxiety Stemming from Difficulty Writing
- Academic Struggles, Especially as the Years Progress
Dysgraphia testing includes an analysis of writing skills, fine motor ability, academic performance and cognitive abilities in order to allow parents and educators to develop individualized treatment plans. If you or your child has been struggling with written language, the struggles don’t have to last forever. We can pair you with dysgraphia specialists to learn valuable tools to improve your quality of life.
Our LD assessments will provide:
- Pinpointed origins and diagnoses of the person’s learning struggles with effectively planned interventions.
- A better understanding of the impact learning struggles have at school, within work settings and in your personal life.
- Identification of how an individual best learns information, his/her favored learning style, and how to most effectively assist the client in any learning situation.
- An individualized academic plan created by our psychologists to help the student reach his/her full potential.
- An individualized work plan to assist adults with maximizing their performance including a review of possible assistive technology.
- Personalized implementation of these plans with our psychologists, educational advocate or other professionals within the local community with whom we consult.