Since clients in all age groups have individual needs in school or work environments, we offer various kinds of consulting services:
School Consultation
(for children in preschool through grade 12). Coordinating care across educational settings, we regularly attend Student Study Team (SST), Section 504, Multi-Disciplinary Education Team (MET), and Individualized Education Planning Team (IEP) meetings. We can also consult with teachers individually or other significant adults in the child’s life (i.e., sports coaches, club leaders, religious teachers, etc.) in order to ensure that interventions are consistent across settings.
School Observation
It is often helpful and informative in the context of our evaluations for our staff to observe students in their classroom to identify and directly address problematic behaviors or social difficulties. Typically, school observations are scheduled prior to the evaluation and following teacher notification from parents.
Transition Planning
Students who are graduating from high school and have learning needs often require guidance regarding next steps. We provide assessment and consultation to parents and teenagers about options for college, which may include referrals to placement counselors and/or professionals in the college setting, such as disability advisors.
College Students
(both undergraduate and graduate levels). Professionals at local colleges and universities routinely refer students to us for our expertise in identifying learning disabilities, ADHD and emotional issues. Many students also refer themselves to our clinics as they are struggling with staying abreast of educational demands. Students who had assessments prior to going to college may choose to update the documentation of their learning needs as they prepare for standardized tests (i.e., LSAT). Consultation with the college/university’s office for students with disabilities is another service we offer to communicate our recommendations for the student’s success.
Work Consultation
(for adults in the workforce). Adults who experience work-related difficulties due to learning disabilities, social, or emotional concerns can greatly benefit from our diagnostic assessments. Having a clear picture of what causes the issues can help you restructure your work environment to make you more productive and successful at work.