Jodene Fine, Ph.D., ABPdN

Jodene Fine, Ph.D., ABPdNJodene Fine, PhD, APBdN, is a fully licensed psychologist in the State of Michigan, Certified Health Service Provider in Psychology, and a board-certified Pediatric Neuropsychologist. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin in School Psychology, completing a Clinical Psychology internship at Children’s Hospital of Minneapolis, followed by a combined research and clinical Postdoctoral Fellowship in Pediatric Neuropsychology under Dr. Margaret Semrud-Clikeman at the Center for Neurodevelopmental Study, Michigan State University.

Following her training, she became an Associate Professor of School Psychology and Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at Michigan State University. She is also the director of clinical training in the School Psychology program. She teaches doctoral and medical students about the neurobiological bases of learning and behavior, advanced pediatric neuropsychological assessment and professional ethics. Her research addresses the neuroscience of learning differences using neuroimaging and neuropsychological assessment methods, focusing in particular on social and academic functioning. She has lectured to academic audiences about her work all over the world, including Italy, Botswana and Taiwan, and authored many academic papers about children with learning and developmental challenges. She holds membership in numerous professional and academic organizations including the International Neuropsychological Society, the National Academy of Neuropsychology and the American Psychological Association. She recently was elected into the International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities.

Dr. Fine’s specialties are learning differences, developmental disorders (including attention, autism spectrum and language), organic and traumatic brain injury, and psychiatric concerns. Her philosophy of assessment embraces a collaborative approach to working with children and families as together we can discover important information to use to optimize learning and adaptive behavior across the multiple settings of home, school and community. Dr. Fine is delighted to be providing services at CNLD because the team is committed to the highest quality of care for its clients.

For an appointment with Dr. Fine, please contact us!